Conference Topics

Impact and Blast Loads on Structures
Explosion Caused by High Explosives, Gas and Dust
Numerical Simulation and Modelling
Shock and Wave Propagation
Material Behaviour at High Strain Rate
Dynamic Behaviour of Structural Elements
Vehicle or Ship Impact with Structures
Impact on Structures Induced by Earthquake
Risk Assessments under Impact and Blast Threats
Protective and Innovative Materials and Structures
Structure Strengthening and Retrofitting

Call for Papers

Submissions of original papers related to the above topics are invited. All submissions will be peer-reviewed for inclusion in the conference proceedings.

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended manuscripts to Engineering Structures and International Journal of Protective Structures.

Special Sessions

SS01: Experimental techniques of dynamic properties of materials under complex conditions (Organized by Profs. Yazhou Guo, Tao Suo and Yulong Li)

SS02: Impact behaviour of materials at micro- and nano-scales (Organized by Prof. Xianqian Wu and Dr. Wanghui Li)

SS03: Advanced numerical simulations in designing of protective structures (Organized by Dr Damith Mohotti)

SS04: Additive manufacturing (3D Printing) in construction and protective structures (Organized by A/Prof. Jonathan Tran)

SS05: Dynamic failure behaviors of fiber reinforced composite materials and structures (Organized by Prof. Xin Li and Prof. Pengfei Wang)

SS06: JSMS Committee on Impact Sponsored Session [Frontiers of researches on impact engineering in Japan] (Organized by Prof. Nobuaki KAWAI)

SS07: Design, modeling and characterization of mechanical metastructures (Organized by A/Prof. Changye Ni and Prof. Tian Jian Lu)

SS08: Impact behavior and energy absorption of lightweight architected materials/structures (Organized by Profs. Lijun Xiao, Xianfeng Yang, Qinghua Qin and Weidong Song)

SS09: Shock behavior of materials and structures (Organized by Prof. Paul J Hazell and Dr Hongxu Wang)

SS10: Impact attenuation of innovative materials and structures (Organized by Prof. Lingling Hu)

SS11: Recent advances in the protective design of structures against impact and blast loads (Organized by Prof. Masuhiro Beppu and A/Prof. Wensu Chen)

SS12: Mechanisms and mechanics of origami-inspired materials and deployable structures (Organized by Prof Guoxing Lu, Dr Jianjun Zhang, A/Prof Xinmei Xiang, Prof Zhejian Li)

SS13: Extreme loading on structures (Organized by Prof. Mohd. Ashraf Iqbal)

SS14: Dynamic response of fibre-reinforced composites (Organized by Prof. Weifu Sun)

More Special Sessions to be confirmed.

Call for Special Sessions

If you are interested in organising a special session as part of ISIE2023, please email it to [email protected]. Each special session should comprise at least 6 papers/abstracts to be included in the final program. Upon acceptance, the Committee will invite the session proposer to present in the special session as an Invited Speaker with a 50% waive of the registration fee (or the 50% waive of registration fee can be relocated to any speaker identified by the session proposer).

Please direct all abstract and presentation enquiries to:

ISIE2023 Organizing Committee
[email protected]